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Visualizzazione post con etichetta djs. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 25 luglio 2008

THE SHE SET: djing conglomerate

Appena tornate da Benicàssim (dove si è svolta la quattordicesima edizione del FIB - Festival Internacional de Benicàssim), le She Set - precisamente Vanessa - hanno gentilmente risposto alle nostre domande.

.The She Set. Why?
Why not? we all enjoy playing records and listening to music, so we decided to start Dj, and know we have our own club night called The Sect, which happens on the first Thursday of the month.

.The Horrors girlfriends, sisters and so on. What can you tell us about them?
They are great guys, who kn ow a lot bout music. At the moment they are recording their next album, which is going to be amazing

.Which yoghurt flavour do you prefer?

.If you could lick the boots of an international group, which would it be?
Leohnard Cohen a genius

.What have you got in your bag right now?
Just got back from Benicassim so I have loads of crap..sunlotion, a fan, a wallet, mirror, lipstic, hairbrush, a book (Ernest Hemingway the old man and the sea), I pod and loads of rubish as I hate littering the floor.

.What do you think about the 'indie-pendent' scene nowadays? Do you feel a part of it?
Well dont think that the term indie has the same meaning it had in the 80's and in the early 90's as there is not really ny independent lables anymore...I do consider myself indie by heart. Indie bands of the moment could be bands like Hatcham Social and Rulling class which by the way they are both playing for us in September at the Sect.

.The best song ever?
I can answer that as it all depends of what mood I am in.

.Have you ever dreamt to live in a movie? Which one?
Female trouble

.How was your first kiss?
to drunk to remember haha

.Name an italian city that you would like to play in. And, so, let's come in Italy :)
one of my favorit films off all time is Roma by Fellini, so would have to choose your capital. But Italy is such an amazing country with so much history. I am obssesd with Roman History.

.How did you become so popular?
I think people know of us..but not sure if we are that popular ha ha

.Sex or pizza?
Pizza and sex

.Do you love the kind of music that you play since you were babies?
that's a difficult one to answer as I cant remeber tht far ha ha

.Tell us some places to enjoy ourselves in London.
The Sect, catch 22.
Cave Club, (buffalo bar)
The Setup (buffalo bar)
catch 22

.Say goodbye.
Ciao Italia hope to see you soon!!!!
